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*Link to Job Ad:*
*Job Description:*
The newly formed research group for human-computer interaction (HCI) is led
by Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning ( He holds a
Lichtenberg Professorship and both PhD positions are supported by the
Volkswagen foundation. In our group we investigate how people interact with
digital spatial information and create new methods and novel interfaces to
help people interact with spatial information. This includes the
development and evaluation of wearable technologies, mobile augmented
reality and virtual reality applications, interactive surfaces and
tabletops, and other ?post desktop? interfaces. Therefore, we are currently
looking for students excited to do their PhD in this area at the
intersection of HCI, geoinformatics, and Ubicomp technologies.
*About us:*
The position offers great opportunities to conduct independent and blue-sky
PhD research in a vibrant research environment. We offer collaboration with
other members of the HCI group and other groups within the CS department in
Bremen. The successful candidate will be working with a dynamic, friendly,
and helpful team of computer science researchers. Our research group is
part of the school of computer science at University of Bremen. The
University of Bremen is one of 11 institutions classed as an „Elite
university“ in Germany, and an university of approximately 23,500 students
from over 100 countries, offering a broad range of fringe benefits such as
sports facilities, cultural activities and daycare.
We love to work with students with strong technical skills and backgrounds
across disciplines. Candidates should have an excellent Master’s degree or
equivalent in computer science, or related disciplines such as mathematics,
physics, etc. Required skills are solid experience in (mobile) software
development (Android, iOS), and a very good command of English
(reading/writing/speaking). Ideally, you have specialized in HCI topics and
already have a good knowledge on conducting experiments in HCI. In
addition, the successful candidate will be highly self-motivated,
passionate about their work, and have good ability to work both
independently as well as in a team in a multidisciplinary environment.
*Conditions of employment:*
The position is available for a period of three years (under the condition
of job release), with
the aim to complete the PhD within the 3 years.
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female
employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case
of equal personal aptitudes and qualification, disabled persons will be
given priority. Applicants with a migration background are welcome.
How to Apply & What to Do in Case of Questions:
Applications should comprise a
– cover letter,
– complete CV including any achievements,
– degree certificates (including list of courses and grades),
– names and contact details of at least two referees,
– an one pager on your past and future research interests and ideas for
your PhD
– and other credentials if any (e.g., recommendation letters,
publications, etc.).
Please send your application to:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning
University of Bremen
Fachbereich 3
Postfach 33 04 40
283334 Bremen / Germany
or per e-mail to:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning,
Application deadline: December 31, 2016 (or until a suitable candidate is
found). If you have any questions about the position, please do not
hesitate to address them to the above email address.
We prefer applications via Email. For a paper-based application, please
make sure you only send document copies, as all received application
material will be destroyed after the selection process.